Saving the world cycling

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I’m a DTU-project.

Andreas Piper Mårtensson, s174489
Maja Jønck Hjuler, s164590
Tomasz Mariusz Koziak, s210215



This is Saving the world cycling, a DTU-project displaying the findings of social data analyses within the area of commuting on bikes in Denmark. For project description please visit: GitHub. We have divided our analysis in the following sections, which are included in seperate pages on the website:

  • Introduction: Basic statistics on cycling data of Denmark
  • Municipality analysis: Awesome findings on bike habits in different municipalities
  • Geo data visualizations: Cool stats visualised on a map
  • Demographic analysis: social analysis and Machine Learning predictions
  • Green conclusions: how biking will save the world!

The notebook used for creating the plots of this project can be found Here



In the battle against climate change, we need to find ways of minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. The transport sector is contributing immensely to the total emissions, hence finding clean ways of transportation is key. Denmark is one of the most biking countries in the world - its a means of transport with no CO2 emission connected to it! Plus it has lots of health benefits for the rider! This already covers two of the UN sustanability goals: Climate action and Good health and well-being. Denmark is known for its’ bike culture and the bike infrastructure of Danish cities is copied across the world and this relates to a third UN goal: Sustainable cities and communities. Therefore, we have decided to focus our project on Danish bicycle habits.
We aim to answer questions such as:

  • Who bikes?
  • Which municipalities bike the most, the longest and the fastest?
  • Can we predict biking habits from demographic data?
  • Has there been an increase in the use of electrical bikes and bikes in general?